How to Bump Your Website up the SERPs

How to Bump Your Website up the SERPs

Are you getting frustrated with your site’s position in the search engines? Would you like to appear higher up so that you get more clicks and attention? It’s possible, but it takes time.

Are you getting frustrated with your site’s position in the search engines? Would you like to appear higher up so that you get more clicks and attention? It’s possible, but it takes time. The further back you are in the search results, the less likely you’ll be to get people landing on your page. People are a little lazy that way and prefer not to have to look too hard! Here’s how you can bump your website up the search engine result pages if it’s something that’s bothering you:

Write a Full Meta Description

A full meta description is great for both the user and the search engines. It’s been ignored a little lately, but neglecting the meta description is a big mistake. Make sure you use as many characters as you can; all 160 of them if possible! Use a few keywords, add a call to action to make it compelling, and leave a little cliffhanger to make them want more.

Produce Quality Content

Quality content is both about the user and the search engines. People drone on and on about how content is king, but many fail to mention that it needs to be good stuff! The guys at say that content that is stuffed full of keywords and isn’t easy to read will do you no good. Starting a blog on your site is a great idea, just make sure you’re going for quality over quantity. Many people post blog after blog in the hopes that they’ll make their way up, but they compromise on the quality of it.

Choose High Ranking Phrases

Instead of choosing phrases that are highly competitive, making it harder to rank, choose phrases that are high ranking. Include these in your content and you can make it look more natural while making your way up to the top. Don’t focus too much on the keywords though, as you may hinder your results.

Use Social Media

Social media is a huge deal right now, so obviously it’s going to affect where you rank in the SERPs. Make sure you not only share your content on social media, but write a rich description as to what you’re sharing. This will help you to get more clicks, and can give you even more of a boost. A strong social presence is a definite winner!

Buy Links the Right Way

There are good links and bad links. Buying links is fine, as long as you buy them the right way. The links need to be high quality too. It isn’t about getting as many links as you possibly can from low quality sources. Getting one link from a high quality place is worth so much more. You need to be really careful with links so that you aren’t affected by a Google update/penalty.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to implement these strategies and get them to work for you. A high ranking site for your relevant keywords is essential if you want to do well! 

Posted by Ingenium Web

Ingenium Web

iNGENIUM Ltd. is an software development company from EU which delivers a full range of custom .NET, web and mobile solutions for different business to meet partner's demand.

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