The Hottest Digital Marketing Trends of 2019

The Hottest Digital Marketing Trends of 2019

It's a game of survival out there.

Digital marketers are faced with the stark reality of losing their relevance if they don't jump on the bandwagon of rising trends in digital marketing.
More and more innovations are taking center-stage in this industry. No doubt, this looks chaotic to the untrained eye. However, the majority of these disruptive technologies have contributed immensely to the growth of this industry.
So, it's important to take charge of these trends to stay relevant in 2019.
For this reason, we've collated a list of the hottest digital marketing trends of 2019 you need to watch out for!

Video Marketing

No doubt, Mark Zuckerberg was right on the money when he speculated about the ruse of video marketing. Today, the introduction of live videos in popular social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are the hottest digital marketing trends of 2019.
According to marketing professionals, video content converts better as compared to another medium. In fact, videos constitute the majority of content being shared on social media platforms.
Marketers use videos to generate more revenue than other contents. Hold on before you start creating video content, remember your audience are looking for quality. So give them a quality video with a story that resonates with their core.
What's more? People spend much time watching live videos than pre-recorded ones. Live videos encourage interactions. Digital marketers can use it to see live comments and reactions. It provides a fast solution to their problems, and it boosts trust in your products.


Yes, it's the season of the chatbots! According to research, 85 percent of customer interactions are now powered by AI.
Chatbots are increasingly becoming the norm for a quick and fast response from brands all over the world. For example, the WeChat chatbot is widely adopted by a billion active users in China.
This chatbot enables you to handle a plethora of shopping-related activities such as ordering a pair of sneakers or getting your favorite dress. No doubt, chatbots are considered more efficient and consistent than human responses. It enables the concept of a 24/7 availability feature touted by most brands.
So, why don't you jump on the bandwagon of this disruptive technology?

Smart Online Stores!

AI is a disruptive force that is permeating through every facet of online digital marketing. Companies and brands now utilize custom-made AI to boost their customer service via live interaction.
For instance, online stores like Michael Kors and Air Jordan's online stores notify users to new arrivals. These stores take this digital marketing trend a step further by helping customers to recover lost carts and even provide suggestions for products that match with your previous purchase.


There was an increase in the number of social media influencers in 2018. No doubt, this increase led to a rise in the number of influencers with "bought or fake" followers.
Companies, therefore, have to tread with caution when dealing with these influencers. Since it's difficult to get real customer engagement from these dubious influencers, companies are looking towards working with micro-influencers.
Yes, micro-influencers is the hottest digital marketing trends of 2019. These influencers have small but loyal followership. You should know that micro-influencers have higher impacts, and they often advertise products via word-of-mouth marketing.
Furthermore, they are cost-effective, and brands have a higher chance of getting real engagement from their followers.

Hottest Digital Marketing Trends in 2019.

Voice Search Mode

Here's another disruptive technology trend that's transforming the digital marketing landscape in 2019. Today, voice searches constitute a one-third portion of 3.5 billion Google searches.
What's more? It's common to see people using Google Assistant and Amazon's Alexa to carry out voice searches. However, this shift towards voice searches means digital marketers have to tailor their content to suit this new method.
Voice search is different from the conventional mobile or desktop search; it gives users a precise result as compared to the latter. Therefore, as a digital marketer, it's important to tailor your content to suit voice search queries. Simply focus more on long-tail keywords.
Mind you, this is one trend you can't avoid since analysts predict an exponential increase in the use of voice recognition technology. Furthermore, it's predicted to disrupt digital marketing in terms of SEO and optimization of UX.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

No doubt, AR and VR are disruptive technologies that have transformed various industries. So, how can these new trends affect digital marketing in 2019? Well, it seems customers want brands that can engage them via AR and VR.
No doubt, these technologies offer tremendous opportunities to the business that use it in their marketing strategies. It's no surprise that popular furniture company, IKEA, has taken advantage of this trend, in order to help customers figure out different products before trying them out.
The list of companies that have adopted this trend is fast increasing in 2019.

Conversational Marketing

Navigating the internet has become quite tricky for some many users. Due to the increase in data breaches and fraudulent practices users are now wary about shopping or divulging information online. No doubt, trust in the digital marketing sphere is a scarce commodity.
It's, therefore, no surprise that conversational marketing is of much relevance in 2019. Customers need the personal touch that comes with conversational marketing.
They desire to see the face behind the brand before giving buying their product. In this trend, they can talk directly with a brand's personnel via various secure channels such as WhatsApp. Although most brands utilize chatbots to provide accurate, fast, and secure communication with customers.

Wrapping Up

Digital marketing is, no doubt, an ever-evolving world. For now, the listed trends in this article are currently the most effective and mainstream method of getting optimum results in digital marketing.
By using these trends, you can actively stay ahead of your competition. However, it's a mistake to focus only on these digital marketing trends of 2019, while ignoring others. Remember, never stop trying new tactics.

Posted by Mike Khorev

Mike Khorev

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