5 Steps You Need to Take to Before You start an online Business

5 Steps You Need to Take to Before You start an online Business

Whether you are looking to start an online business-like e-commerce, or you are looking forward to taking your existing business online, establishing a proper internet presence is one the primary responsibilities that you ever have to undertake.

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How to Design a Mobile Device App that People Would Really Use

How to Design a Mobile Device App that People Would Really Use

Development, testing, debugging and marketing an app won’t yield you any desirable results unless you have an appealing design for your mobile device app and when you are designing something for the smaller screens with such lesser attention span, your UI design should be so efficient that it must work at the speed of the thought.

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Why App Marketing is Must for Startups

Why App Marketing is Must for Startups

Mobile app marketing is an art and science of promoting mobile application in order to obtain apps download, app installations, monetize the app and engage existing users.

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