A healthy dose of self-criticism is essential for both professional and personal growth. When it comes to web coding, this self-criticism requires an ability to scan & eliminate counter-productive or unproductive patterns in the web process, design, code and behaviour. This why having a complete knowledge of anti-patterns is very useful for every programmer. In this post, you will read about some anti-patterns that might harm your site's design or core functioning.
Read MoreEvery now and then, we come across a few websites with UI features that are disappointing. No doubt the designers work their best and have no plans to make you jump throughout the site. But, something has failed somewhere! The designs they have chosen are wrong and failing to take some features into account has resulted in chaos.
Read MoreMethods that will save you both time, and money! There are currently over 76 Million WordPress Blogs in existence, and so it’s no wonder security hardening methods are so sought after.
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