Link your Blog to a Google+ profile using rel="author"

Link your Blog to a Google+ profile using rel="author"

Linking your content to your Google profile is a two-step process. First, you add a link from your website, blog or page to your Google profile. Second, you update your Google profile by adding a link back to your site.

1. Verify authorship of your content

On your Google+ profile, make sure that you have a link pointing back to the site you want the author highlight to work on. Make sure your +1′s are public on your Google+ profile too.<

To be sure as extra step you can visit the Authorship page and submit your email address to the Google. No matter how many articles or posts you publish on this domain, you only need to do this process once. Your email will appear in the Contributor to section of your Google+ profile

2. Link your content to your Google profile

Create a link to your Google profile from your webpage or the blog, like this:

<link href="" rel="author" />

Replace the X’s with your Google Plus number — this can be found if you visit Google+ while logged into the system… simply look at your address bar to locate your unique number. Place the code snippet in the <head> tag of the site’s HTML

Because the idea is to get Google to recognize your author archives to use as part of your online identity, do not add nofollow to author links option.

The impact of visual “social proof” can dramatically increase the click-through rate (CTR, the percentage of those who see your content in search results pages who then click your link) for your posts and pages.

If you want to tie a Google+ business page to an entire website, you can add the rel=publisher tag to your website.

To see what author data Google can extract from your page, use the structured data testing tool.

Posted by Ingenium Web

Ingenium Web

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