Indissoluble Laws To Design An Resilient User Interface

Indissoluble Laws To Design An Resilient User Interface

If you are a web designer and want to make a big impact in UX design then you must also perform like a user interface designer because both are intertwined, believe it or not.

In fact, in the near future, the role of a user interface will bemore important even if you want to work as a UX designer.

  • This is because the web pages of today need to be lot simpler than before when it comes to user interfaces with minimal elements in it such as a contact form and a few navigation buttons.
  • It is also due to the immense development in technology and the rise in use of new versions of it that will warrant for better standards, improved features and innovative implementation of different elements in the apps to make it more dynamic.

In short, it will meet the rising demand of more customized user experiences which will inevitablymeanmore UI or user interface work when it comes to UX web designin these modern times.

Law of clarity

Therefore, you will need to remember the laws to follow in UX web design to make it more effective and dynamic. The most significant one of all is the Law of clarity. This is the law designed to avoid incorporating interface design elements without having a clear purpose and meaning.
Consider Gmail. Prior to the last update, Gmail had verydistinct text navigation at the top of the page that included:

  • Calendar
  • Sheets
  • Drives and other Google services.

All these were freely available at the click of a button.
Later on, Google wanted to simplify everything and move it all behind an intangibleasset icon. As a result, most of the Gmail users could not notice this icon which resulted in a flurry of support requests from the users. This means, when people cannot understand a specific thing, they tend to ignore and avoid it because it is in the basic human nature.
Therefore, you should avoid designing any type of interface element that will make the users wonder as to what they should do. Most importantly, they will not even bother to find it out.

Law of preferred action

This law focuses on the comfort level of the users.

  • This will rise automatically when a specific users understands what the preferred action should be and what they are supposed to do. Once again, this must be followed according to the law of clarity.
  • If you want to make the actions very clear, make sure that the buttons and icons blend perfectly with the setting from the design standpoint so that the users know the actions that are obvious.

If you look at Twitter, you will see that things are put in the box making the users either to search for the thing they want or use one of the options given in the navigation menu on the left since these interface elements are the most prominent. Ideally, this makes the users wonder what to do next.

Law of context

Typically, when a user visits a site or uses an app, they expect better and clearly visible interface controls. These must be ideally close to the objects that they specifically want to control.
Take Facebook for example. If you want to edit your name in this platform then you will need to follow a number of steps that includes:

  • Going to the Settings in the top right hand corner
  • Clicking on the Account settings option in the drop down menu
  • Finding Nameand
  • Clicking Edit.

On the other hand, if you want to do the same on LinkedIn, all you have to do is click at the pencil icon next to your name. Simple!
When the users find all interface elements in the context of object they find it very easy to control the object. Therefore, it is important that you keep things for control right next to the object to make it handy, provided it can be edited, altered or controlled otherwise.

Law of defaults

It is found that users rarely like to change the default settings whether it is a ringtone or any other feature. However, defaults are very powerful irrespective of the type of appliance. You will find that:

  • Most people never change factory setting in their TV sets
  • Most of them are happy with the default ringtone or background setting on their smart phones
  • Most of the users seldom change the default temperature set in their fridge.

Though you do not notice the defaults, these rule the world. Therefore, you will need to make sure that all of the default values that you set are as practical and useful as possible.

Law of guided action

This will ensure that the user performs a task that is asked to or required. There is a big difference between asking specifically and expecting to do a job.
For this you can create decidedly visible calltoaction bannersjust above profile pages just like LinkedIn when they introduced the Endorsements feature which was a huge success.
Therefore, when you want your users do to specific thing, do not hesitate to ask them to do it.

Law of feedback

This will ensure that you provide clear feedback consistently. This will make the users feel more confident when they launch and use your app.
The simple logic behind this is that the users feel that the interface is connectingto an action making them feel more confident and in control.

Law of easing

This law states that the users will feel more at ease and inclined to execute a complex action provided it is broken down into easier and smaller steps. Irrespective of the number of fields, you must make sure that:

  • Things are intuitive and much easier to manage
  • Processes are not long, complicated and boring
  • It is not overwhelming to doublecheck if required
  • All includes a progress bar so that things are pretty manageable.

All this will make sure the using an app is not intimidating and provides better user experience.

Posted by Kristen Smith

Kristen Smith
Kristen Smith is a blogger and content writer who write many articles on Technology. She enjoys reading a new thing on the internet. She spends a lot of time on social media.

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