Can In-depth Content Help Your Search Engine Rankings?

Can In-depth Content Help Your Search Engine Rankings?

Content has always been the most powerful tool used by marketers to digitally promote a brand, product or service.

A couple of years ago all a marketing team had to do was curate keyword stuffed content and publish it all around the internet to increase their business’ visibility. However, a lot has changed over the past couple of years as Google has constantly released new algorithms to determine the ranking of a website. Each of these ranking algorithms has been built to encompass the needs of their users. These metrics are brilliantly engineered to help each user find immediate solutions to their search queries and to provide them with high quality content which is both relevant and accurate.

Google basically identifies the user’s intent with each query and then provides them with relevant information. For instance, if a user searches for a Jaguar, by taking their users intent into consideration, Google’s search algorithm will determine whether the user is looking for the animal or the car. In order to make sure that each user gets the information they are looking for, Google will first rank three links of the automobile and then a mixture of links relating to the animal. Google has massive data to back their search engine results and to determine the user’s intent. If you really want to tap into this opportunity and want to boost your search engine rankings, consider using In-depth content to boost your results.

What is in-depth content?

In depth content by definition are all of those online publications which exceed the word count of 2000 words. Yes, this means that all of those blogs, eBooks and guests posts of 500-1000 words will not substantially help your search engine rankings. Google has announced that content which exceeds 2000 words will be ranked higher in comparison to other content of limited words and character.

Furthermore, simply stuffing blogs and articles with words will do more harm than good. Google will not only take the word count into consideration but will also evaluate the quality of the content. Some of the factors Google will consider includes the Domain authority of where the content is published, the use of optimized images, infographics, backlinks and the general quality of the content. Hence, simply writing a ton of words is not enough, you will have to make sure this content is well researched and insightful. Use a good EBook creator like this to curate high quality content, you will immediately see an increase in website traffic, engagement levels and your sites ranking on search engine platforms.

Of course if it was easy, every website would be ranking high with optimum conversion rates however, it doesn’t work like that. As mentioned before you will need to focus on many different factors to make this possible. Rest assured we have articulated a list of three factors which will help you increase your search engine rankings, website traffic and ultimately your conversion rates.

Focus on the quality of your content

The first step you should take if you want to rank higher on search engine platforms is focusing on the quality of your content. Quality should be your priority when it comes to all of the content you publish online. Try creating insightful content as well with encompasses all of the relevant information that a viewer might be looking for. If you are stating any stats, these should include citations and the topic should thoroughly be covered to effectively engage your viewers.

If they think that that content will not help them, these viewers will immediately bounce to another site. So put yourself in the viewer’s shoes and curate your content accordingly. Keywords work magic in this context if you organically include them in your content as if these words match what viewers are searching for; Google will automatically consider ranking your content above all. Conduct research to find which keywords best match your industry and incorporate these keywords in your content.

This is the real beauty of in-depth content, due to the load of content you can easily include these keywords organically in your content and effectively implement backlink strategies. Focus on well researched, insightful content and try to curate engaging content as well. At the end of the day it all boils down to the quality of your content, so make sure your content development team is on top of their game, especially if you want rank higher on search engine platforms.

Ensure your website is responsive

Another factor which will contribute to your search rankings is how responsive your website is. Even if you manage to create content which is perfect from every aspect but your website is slow or unresponsive then viewers will immediately bounce to another site. Googles’ s crawlers should have no issue in reading your website this includes every aspect of the site such as the HTML code, Java Script and images. If your site is taking ages to load, consider this is a sure shot sign that viewers will not waste their time on your website and will immediately choose an alternative.

Consider using page-optimizing tools such as the Google Lighthouse, this powerful tool will provide you with detail insight regarding the overall performance of your website. It will not only help you identify issues with your page but will also provide recommendations on how you can fix the issue. In a nutshell your website should offer viewers optimum convenience and should effectively engage them.

Optimize your website for mobile users

If you have not optimized your website for mobile users, then this is one of the main reasons why Google is not ranking your website high on search results. According to a study 52.64% of the global online traffic was generated through mobile devices, this stat exonerates the fact that a substantial amount of people will search the net using their phones.

So if you really want to increase your traffic and search engine rankings, then optimize your website for mobile users. Furthermore, Google has also recently announced that they are indexing mobile sites which further enunciates the requirement of optimizing websites for mobile users. Make sure your design elements are still intact when designing your mobile website and ensure that the mobile website reflects your business culture and persona.


Finally, if you focus on the aforementioned factors, there is no doubt that your website will immediately start ranking higher on search engine platforms. Use in-depth content to its full potential and incorporate all of the factors which can contribute to your rankings, website traffic, conversion rates and your business’s overall visibility.

Posted by Sohail R. Rupani

Sohail R. Rupani
Sohail Rupani is a senior SEO strategist at PNC Digital, a digital marketing agency based in Orlando. He specializes in SEO and SEM techniques. He is passionate about technology and loves to analyze the tech industry in his spare time and stay in touch with the latest happenings. He also writes technical articles about SEO and digital marketing. Follow @sohailrupani for more updates.

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