7 Tips To Get More Subscribers For Your Blog

7 Tips To Get More Subscribers For Your Blog

Now the key thing that is the most paramount element in the success of a blog is subscribers. These subscribers are the default traffic for your blog that will get notified every time you update something.

The core question here is how to get more subscribers for your blog? You can have a peek into some of the famous bloggers which have ample amount of traffic out of which their subscribers are most in number. Yes, for sure new visitors are always delightful but it is the subscriber who adds value to your blog by their precious comment and frequent visits.

How do you get the subscribers? Well, there are many ways that can help you to increase your subscriber's list in no time. You just need to do some extra efforts politely and continue providing value to the readers of your blog. That is the key to everything.

In this post, I will give you the ways by which you can easily increase the leads and subscribers for your blog. So, let’s get started…

Always Be Ready To Offer Exclusive Content

Blog Exclusive content

Now, before we go any further, give this a consideration. Why would someone opt for your blog? The answer to this question can be simple and complex at the same time. The simple answer is you give them a reason to opt for your blog. The complex one? Well, this has no limit, to be frank.

You can be complex and let the opportunity slip through your grasp or you can act smart and simple and grab the opportunity and build contacts as you wish.

Give away some exclusive content and ask your viewer to subscribe your blog. It has been seen that most of the successful bloggers tend to safeguard some of the valuable content in exchange for their email ids. These email ids are the major lead that will help you to notify them whenever you post something new. This ensures a continuous flow of traffic and this is the true power of subscribers for your blog.

Get A Landing Page For Your Blog

A landing page is always handy when it comes to Call To Action. A striking landing page is always the best way to drive people to go for the things that you want them to do. Be it purchasing something or subscribing.

If you are a WordPress user, then there are many plugins that can help you to create and design striking landing pages that invite a user to go for your CTA. A landing page lets your visitor know that by subscribing to your blog, they are gaining something from you and that is the exact thing you want right.

Always Ask For The Subscription

Request Subscribers

You never know when the power of asking can come in handy. There are many cases where I have seen that the bloggers don’t ask their visitors to subscribe them. This creates a situation of confusion. The viewer juggles in his mind what exactly the blogger wants.

If you would have asked directly for it then there might be a chance that the visitor might opt to subscribe you. But since you didn’t communicate, your visitor leaves your blog with no clue what exactly you wanted.

So, be sure to ask for subscription and ask politely and with ownership that you want them to subscribe your blog so that you can share more valuable content for them.

Comment On Other Popular Blogs

Blog commenting is one of the powerful ways to increase your blog subscribers. You just need to read and gain information from other popular blogs and comment. With little innovation, you will see that your subscribers are increasing.

Now, here the key is when you comment on other’s blogs then you need to insert a link to your landing page. That landing page will drive your visitors to go for your CTA which will in return increase your subscribers. Neat aye?

Try And Make Your Visitors Stay For A While In Your Blog

You must have heard about bounce rate. A bounce rate is a rate that signifies that how many people visited your blog and left without opening any other page. If they don’t stay on your blog, how can you convince them that your blog has other valuable content that will help your visitors?

So, you need to reduce your bounce rate. There are many ways by which you can actually reduce your website’s bounce rate and make the visitors stay for longer durations. This enables you to justify your visitors that your blog has everything they want. This will significantly increase your subscriber's list.

Make Use Of Lightbox Popups

Lightbox to get blog subscribers

Popups can be intruding, yet it is debatable. There are many bloggers who actually argued about the usage of popups and their impact on the visitors. Some said that popups distract users from reading which increases the bounce rate while some argued that it is not the case.

There are bloggers like Neil Patel and Brian Dean who supported the use of lightbox popups. They pointed out that, popups have very less impact on the bounce rate of the website while if they are not used then there is some severe impact on the subscriber's list.

Also, there is a point that lightbox popups drive more visitors to subscribe your blog than that sidebox forms. So, they are quite a tool to leverage subscribers.

Remove Unnecessary Fields From The Subscription Form

Make Sure that when you design a form, you didn’t overuse the details entry. It is very paramount that you didn’t give your users a hell of a lengthy form to fill. These lengthy form will drive your visitor to leave your website in a flash.

Just because of additional fields, half of your potential lead died before the conversion. So, make sure that you didn’t use any unnecessary additional field. Keep it short and simple (The KISS phenomenon).

Wrapping It Up

So, these are some of the tricks that you need to follow to increase your subscription list. A subscription list always ensures traffic continuity which enhances your website’s UX which in return increase your SEO rankings.

Let’s have a quick look into the points that I mentioned above.

  • Give away some exclusive content and ask your viewer to subscribe your blog.
  • So, be sure to ask for subscription and ask politely and with ownership that you want them to subscribe your blog so that you can share more valuable content for them.
  • A striking landing page is always the best way to drive people to go for the things that you want them to do. Be it purchasing something or subscribing
  • Blog commenting is one of the powerful ways to increase your blog subscribers.
  • You need to reduce your bounce rate.
  • Popups have very less impact on the bounce rate of the website while if they are not used then there are some severe impact on the subscriber's list.
  • Make Sure that when you design a form, you didn’t overuse the details entry.

I hope you do like my post. Did I miss something? Let me know via comments. Till then have fun with your blog.

Posted by Jessica Nellson

Jessica Nellson
Jessica Nellson is the blogger for Dmitriy - SEO expert from Toronto and is a passionate SEO expert who has worked with some of the largest SEO & marketing agencies in Canada. She shares her SEO & internet marketing experience through her writing skill. Jessica also likes giving advice to increase traffic to your blog or website. If you have any questions, please email her at [email protected]!

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