What is On Page SEO Optimisation?

What is On Page SEO Optimisation?

On page optimisation refers to search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques used directly in the construction of web pages.

However, it is important to remember that on page optimisation is about much more than that, it should be about optimising the page for human readers. When you do this, you generally make the search engines happy as well. It is important to provide visitors to your website with valuable content that makes them want to come back to your site again and again.


While providing valuable content is a key component, it is also important that it is relevant, tying in the search queries people are likely to use to find the content. These search queries are commonly referred in SEO as keywords. While you may be tempted to put as many keywords into a post as possible (Known as keyword stuffing), it is important to consider the human element discussed previously.


The content should be readable and of high quality, and while using keywords is important, it shouldn’t be the primary focus, nor should it take away from the content itself. The ideal is to use keywords naturally and sparingly. You want to use the keywords often enough to attract search engine traffic but no more than that.

Keyword Density

Although traditional SEO identifies a keyword density of 2-7% as being ideal for on page optimisation, changes in Google's search engine operations indicate that a density of only 1-2% may be preferable (and easier to read).Make a list of commonly used search terms that relate to your subject and subtopics and sprinkle them throughout your site. Google's latent semantic index (LSI) algorithm will also reward you for the use of similar phrases.

Keyword Positioning

Keywords should not be limited to your page content. It is very important to include your keywords in your page titles. Search engines identify the content of your pages largely on the words used in your page titles.Without the use of keywords in page titles, you will need to have a lot of external links pointed to that page to encourage website traffic.

When including keywords in your titles, place them as close to the beginning of the title as possible but be sure that it is readable. The page title is essential to on page optimisation because it shows as the link in search engine results.

Page Title

Each page of your website should have its own unique,relatively short page title which utilizes the main keywords for that page.Remember that search engines only allow a certain number of characters to display in search results. Do not use your keywords more than two or three times in your title; for most keyword phrases, once should be enough.

Meta Tags

When you read about on page optimisation strategies, you will often come across the term meta tags. There are many tags that provide additional information about the website, but due to abuse in the past, only the title and description tag appear to have any bearing on your search ranking.


On page links to other relevant sites can also add to your search engine popularity. However, it is important that the links you provide are genuine and are directed to sites with related content that adds value to your visitors.

On page optimisation is not difficult to implement and provided you offer your visitors high quality, relevant content. By following these steps, it will greatly enhance your success with the search engines.

Posted by Saroj Kumar

Saroj Kumar
Saroj has over 11 years of experience in search engine optimisation. He has an advanced knowledge of Google, including Google Ads as well as SEO. Saroj has worked for many high tier marketing companies. Now he is a part of Digimark Australia.

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