The Benefits of Leveraging Exclusivity in Social Media Campaigns

The Benefits of Leveraging Exclusivity in Social Media Campaigns

As you prepare your project for the intended market, you might be stuck going over several marketing trends that can help boost your views and overall sales.

Social media campaigns, especially in this day and age, are a key to gathering data for your business, launching your products, and creating a following where you can market with little to no cost to you. Leveraging exclusivity when dealing with social media campaigns has many benefits, with the sole concept being gathering your target market. Luckily, there are several other benefits to using social media to campaign for your products. Here are five of the best benefits of using exclusivity in your social media campaigns.

Save the Money

Marketing on social media is a way to truly get your name out there, but it also helps you save money while you are getting your name out there. When comparing the costs of traditional marketing to social media marketing, the final verdict is that social media reigns true as the winner. While you can market for free by making a business page, posting about your products, and slowly gaining a following, social media does allow for promotions on various sites. For a small fee, you can promote a post or a product from your business. Using social media can be a good way to cut your overhead on marketing and help you if you have a tighter budget.

Focus the Attention

One of the biggest benefits of using exclusivity for social media marketing is the ability to focus the attention. In this case, you can focus the attention of your target audience or your consumers by putting your products that best appeal to them in front of their face. For instance, social media is already focused, but a way to kick it up a notch is by offering suggestions when a consumer purchases a product. If they enjoy product A, they might be interested in the complimenting product D, and when you provide this suggested product, your target market is going to be more likely to keep their attention on your business or even make a second purchase.

Water the Audience

When it comes to social media marketing, you can easily an adequately grow your audience from posts and interaction. That is the beauty of social media marketing for businesses. The business can post about the product being offered. Customers are allowed to post questions, reviews, or comments about the product, and the business can interact. Because of sharing and other tools on social media, consumers can find better products that are suited to them, and as a benefit to your business, you are watering and growing your audience just by making a few posts on social media every day.

Trend the Product

One of the interesting things about social media is the ability to make things trend. This happens quite a bit on sites where hashtags are considered the norm, and many businesses have taken to creating their hashtags that point consumers to their business and their products. One way to benefit from social marketing exclusivity is by creating your hashtag and directing consumers to the hashtag for use. Many businesses have benefitted from releasing a product with a launch that gets people excited. They create a hashtag that describes the product by either using the name of the product or a slogan. Then they start making promotional posts about the products being offered and when they will be released. This helps get your products out there and trending with your target market.

Tell the Story

Social media has many perks, but perhaps the best benefit of social media marketing is the ability to tell the story. Most small businesses have started from someone’s passion. Whether this is a creative market or a business market, at some point most businesses are going to have a story about their products and the company. Social media allows for that story to get out there, and through the use of promotional posts and hashtags, you can tell the story of your businesses, how it came to be, and where you hope to see it in the future. Many businesses, especially multi-level marketing businesses, encourage their employees and heads to tell their personal stories about the company and how it has changed them for the better. By using this idea, you can gain a story for yourself by just telling someone about your business and why it matters to you.


Marketing has been used for many years to draw consumers toward a company or a product. Traditional marketing, through means like television or direct mail, is rather expensive and can hurt your business in the long run. However, with such a high focus on social media, the social media marketing campaign is the best route to go toward having a successful business. There are many benefits to marketing exclusively on social media, and several of them are mentioned above. All it takes is a little setup and a little time to get you started on the road toward social media marketing and all the benefits it has to offer your business.

Posted by Craig Shields

Craig Shields
In addition to being the editor at designrfix and writing about tech, web and graphic design among other subjects, I love “unplug” and be outdoors hiking and enjoying nature. If you can’t reach me, it’s probably because where I am at doesn’t have cell phone reception.

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