How to start a business

How to start a business

Marketers across the globe have expressed similar concerns to what they have been stating over the years.

The business report 2017 by state of inbound says as many as 63% of marketing professionals perceive traffic and lead generation to be the major challenge.

The growing focus has certainly been the social media marketing of all content marketing strategies but businesses doing it at the cost of other activites might just be making a mistake.

Blogging for instance is highly effective but the fact that it doesn’t result in instant sales and then the cost and time involved into maintaining it, has perhaps subsided its significance for some businesses. But if you are a serious business and wish to expand, then you simply can’t ignore it as a long terms means.

Or if you are selling directly to end users, then it might not have much impact but for B2B customers, it’s your business portfolio first than your product.

The content preference survey report late last year highlighted that potential buyers view at least 3-5 pieces of content before starting a discussion with sales representative. That’s a lot to say about blogging potential.

Creating a business blog is quick and easy these days. Take a look at this infographic and I am sure you’ll figure out the need to have one. And if yes, how to start one.

Hints for Startups

Posted by Peggy Morgan

Peggy Morgan

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