How to Reuse Your Older Content to Keep it Working for You

How to Reuse Your Older Content to Keep it Working for You

We all know that content is a crucial part of building a strong online presence. The question is, how do you get the most value out of the content you produce?

While simply creating a blog and publishing it is a great first step towards boosting your reputation and strengthening your selling power, you can get much more out of your content if you're willing to repurpose and recycle it. In fact, re-using your old content can:

  • Help you to connect to a wider audience: Get your message to people who prefer to look at pictures or listen to podcasts than read articles or blog posts.
  • Highlight important facts: Remind people what makes you special and give new life to your stories so that they don't lose their sparkle.
  • Boost your ROI: Recycling a piece of content provides you with new opportunities to attract and convert leads. That means you get more out of every creative session.

Ultimately, the question for today's website owners isn't whether you should repurpose your content, but how you can transform your blogs, videos, and internal data to give these pieces new life.

1. Transform Your Webinars into Video Tutorials

If you really want to boost the power of your content marketing strategy this year, then you can't go wrong with adding video to the mix. According to Cisco, around 80% of internet traffic will be driven by video by the end of next year (2019).
If you have an old webinar sitting in your archives that brought you a lot of success back in the day, but is currently gathering dust, then you can always repurpose that content by transforming it into a video tutorial. This is a great way to serve up some great content to people who didn't have the chance to make it to your webinar.

2. Turn Data into Case Studies

Today, people are all about social proof. Whether you want to sell a new product to a customer, or you want to sell your entire business to a broker, you need to prove that you have value to offer. That means going through your internal data and finding out what kind of qualitative and quantitative insights you can put together to show your worth.
If you've gathered a lot of internal data from your analytics up to now, then consider transforming some of that information into a case study. A case study can be a great way to add value to your credibility and make you seem more trustworthy in the eyes of your customers.

3. Make Blogs into Guides

Blogging is a great way to draw attention to your website and build your authority as a thought leader. A lot of companies find themselves blogging about certain topics more than others. For instance, if you're particularly proficient in a certain part of your business, then it makes sense that you'd want to write about that segment more often.
Once you have a lot of blogs about a certain topic, you can consider repackaging that information to an all-access guide to help out your customers. You can either give that guide away to your consumers to help remind them of your value, or you can think about using it as a lead magnet to draw new people to your email subscriber list. Just make sure that you're covering something valuable that your customers will want to read about.

4. Export Interviews into eBooks

Speaking of easy ways to create potential lead magnets for your organization, you could always consider using old interviews with industry leaders to help you create your very own information-packed eBook. It's incredibly easy to interview with an industry professional, and you can even reach out to multiple people in your space to ask them to give you a wide range of different perspectives on a specific topic.
Repackage your interview information into an eBook that your customers can download or access whenever they need additional guidance in your industry. Remember, an eBook can be an excellent lead magnet when you want to build your subscriber list.

5. Build Slideshows into Infographics

Visual marketing is growing increasingly more popular by the day. People simply love information that's easy to view and absorb. For instance, visual marketing is a big part of their business strategy, second only to blogging according to 37% of marketers. If you have a bunch of PowerPoint presentations sitting in your computer archives, then you can easily transform that information into an infographic that's easy-to-read and packed full of useful visual insights for your customers.
All you need to do is start with a basic template and organize the information you have so that it flows naturally down the page. Just remember that you may need a designer to help you make your infographic look as professional as it should. Although you might be using the same information that you had on your slideshow, sewing different parts of slides together doesn't make a very visually appealing infographic.

6. Record a Blog Post into a Podcast

Podcasts are an often overlooked but highly effective form of marketing. According to some studies approximately 112 million Americans have already listened to a podcast. Yet, despite this, many companies still don't understand or appreciate the value of podcasting.
Just think of it this way, recording your blog posts into podcasts means that you have a way to reach users who don't have time to read through your information. People can easily listen to a podcast in their car on their way to work, but they can't sit and focus on a blog post while they're stuck in traffic.
All you need to get started with a podcast is some voice talent and a script. With your blogs already in hand, you're half-way there.

Making the Most of your Content

There are plenty of ways to give new life to your old content. From transforming slideshows into infographics to plucking facts out of your case studies that you can share as social media posts. The key is to keep track of your content assets and make sure that you're always looking for imaginative new ways to share the information your customers want.

Posted by Jock Purtle

Jock Purtle
Jock Purtle is the founder of Digital Exits and a serial entrepreneur who started his love affair with business when he was 19. Jock has purchased three companies over the course of his career, and he's emerged as an industry leader in valuing high-growth internet companies. He has been quoted in publications ranging from CNBC to Forbes and

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