9 Great Tips to Grow Your Business with Marketing Automation

9 Great Tips to Grow Your Business with Marketing Automation

Marketing automation involves the use of technology and software platforms in business.

The software is designed for marketing organizations and departments to effectively operate on online media such as social media and websites. Marketing automation is essential to growing a business. It provides the business with the ability to managing and nurturing leads.

Marketing automation also improves the lead response times for the business and organization. This also improves the lead qualification process. A well-structured marketing automation system will align the sales and marketing team in the business. This brings about harmony in the sales and marketing department. It is important to take a keen consideration regarding marketing automation tools that are effective to your business. It is worth noting that the nature of your business and the usage of the tool will determine the effectiveness of the marketing automation tool used.

Marketing automation saves time. This is one of the biggest advantages of marketing automation into the organization. For example, when using emails, the marketing department needs to set up a few emails. These will be sent automatically to the customers. This saves the times that would have been wasted in developing and sending individual emails to each of the customers. The emails also reach the customers on time. For example, if it is a welcoming email set to reach the customer after one hour, there will be guaranteed that the customer will get the email at the right time. Automation will also enable the organization to work ahead. For example, emails informing the customers of an event can be prepared and sent a week before the date of the event. This will quickly turn prospective customers into buying customers.

9 the Most Tips to Grow Your Business with Marketing Automation

Many tips will help an organization to grow using marketing automation. Some of the most useful tips are discussed herein.

  • 1. Get emails via sign-up forms : An email sign-up form for your business website should be the first step for marketing automation. This will help you in getting the details such as names and addresses of your potential customers. These addresses will help you deliver periodic emails to your customers. Hence, it makes it easier to make direct contact with a potential customer in case you are bringing a new product to the market. If needed, you can also use third parties to develop sign up forms that show as pop-ups or sidebars on your site.
  • 2. Automating a welcome email: This email will be automatically sent to all new customers that leave their addresses. Usually, the welcome email contains a warm welcome message to the new customer. It is prudent to automate the welcome mail such that it is sent the customer signs immediately up. This is to take advantage of the customer interest which is at a peak at this time. A welcome email should include links that direct the customer back to your company website. It should also state the terms and conditions for receiving the messages.
  • 3. Event reminders: Taking an example whereby the business is organizing some event, say an open day. The company should create a series of emails that will be used to remind the prospective audience about the event. The emails should describe the event in full. It should then be set in such a way that it will automatically be sent to the customers and some given time intervals. This will keep the audience aware of such an event. The emails should be created ahead of time and should contain links that lead the client back to the company web page.
  • 4. Reward your loyal customers: You should be able to identify your most loyal customers and give them treats. This can be done by offering them discounts when they buy. An email should be set that automatically reminds the loyal customers to keep buying. This can bring back old customers and encourage active customers to continue buying.
  • 5. Expanding ideas of content: One of the most crucial factors for modern marketing in a business organization is content creation. Anything that is posted on the business website makes up the content. The contents should be tailored in such that each stage of the customer’s journey is captured.
    The content should be brief and clear. However some audiences like long and detailed contents. Breaking the content by stage helps provide progressive answers to customers. The responses given are specific and respond to one question at a time. This makes it easier for buyers to follow and get the information intended.
  • 6. Create adaptable programs: The programs that the business intends to use for automation should be flexible. They should be able to give automatic feedback and real-time updates. The automation should be able to collect data on customer preferences. This data will be used in the next mail campaign. This same data will be used in developing and retargeting social ads.
  • 7. Space for growth: When developing an automation program, there should be room for development. This is because the business in play is expected to grow over time. If the tools for automation were not properly selected, the developed automation program might not be flexible enough to serve the expanding business. This may force the organization to get back to the hustle of finding proper tools. Hence the organization may have to create a totally new automation program. This may be expensive.
  • 8. Integrate customer-relationship management: Marketing automation works best with the CRM. This means that integrating CRM would help significantly in enhancing MA effectivity, hence enabling business development.
  • 9. Get active in your program’s forum: Getting active increase the chances of achieving success through MA. Every business that wants to grow should ensure that activity is to the maximum so that odds scored are highest.


It is important to note that marketing automation has far more advantages to the organization. An effective marketing automation system will bring about growth in the business. It will bring a good customer base. This is because it can reach new customers and also maintain the active ones.

Any small business or organization that wishes to develop should work extensively on automation as one of its vital digital strategies. Even with the many advantages of automation, the organization should do proper research on which automation tools to use. The target audience will be a factor in choosing which automation tool to use.

Posted by Michael Shannon

Michael Shannon
Being a content marketer and a blogger with a deep knowledge of ad fraud, Michael Shannon strives to help brands to plan effective business strategies including creating, publishing and distributing content for a targeted audience online. With 5 years of rich domain knowledge, he loves to share his views on modern technologies through his well-researched content pieces.

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