7 Digital Marketing Skills that will matter in the year 2019

7 Digital Marketing Skills that will matter in the year 2019

Every office has this man. Young, broad shoulders. He keeps wearing multiple hats throughout each day.

He can work in solitude for long hours because he has many things to cater to. Intense interaction with team members, clients, and customers.

While there is still a lot of buzz of digital marketing in some organizations, it remains alien to others. In the office, it stays in the shadows, behind the desk. At times there are people remotely working and having a meeting each month or week.

In conclusion, digital marketers are like Batman in the corporate world. Most of the people don’t even know what they do. However, behind the scenes, they do the most work.

Are you hiring a digital marketer? There are some skills that you need to look into. Here are some skills which you need to focus on before hiring a digital marketing company.


Digital marketing is dependent on various factors. From client input to customer feedback, keeping a close eye on the tools, trends and the changing behavior of the competitors. The only way to survive is to stay flexible. To change with the trends. To evolve so that it gets easy for the brand to fit-in the market. It might not be easy in the start but with practice this skills can be nourished.

SEO Experience

The right keywords can raise the ranking of a brand while choosing the wrong keywords can cause a disaster for a brand. For a digital marketer, it is essential to know which keywords are trending for the brand. There are online keyword analyzers which can help in getting the top-most keywords from search engines. Just remember the main keyword of the brand and use the online tools to get variations of that keyword.

For instance, if the website is about real estate, don’t just use ‘real estate’ for a keyword. Use keywords that are being searched by users. ‘local retailers,’ ‘buying a house,’ or ‘cheapest housing society’ can be good picks to include in your content.

Sales Experience

What is the psychology behind customers who buy products? Can you understand the intention of your customers just by analyzing their likes? It is an era of the data analysis. Before you write the sales copy, you must know the psychology behind which words will drive sales to the brand?

When you know the shopping behavior of your customers, you can take advantage of it.


Manage stress with customer

Majority of the clients expect to get things done smoothly. No one likes to take pressure or get work done in fear. Customers want to get a job with regardless of how you are feeling at that time. Take some time to build a stable relationship with the client. Nothing in this world is perfect. If you’re doing business, you’ll face stressful situations, and if you have a good relationship with the client, it will be easy for you to manage the stress.

Listen Aggressively

They say you are given two ears and one tongue for a reason. To listen more than you can talk. When dealing with customers, you have to listen to those customers even if they are wrong. Before you share your opinion or solution listen to what they want from you. It will be easy for you to suggest them a solution if you know what they are looking for.

Listening aggressively takes more than just listening to what the customer is saying. It means looking between the lines. When people talk, you can judge a lot by their body language. If you want to get an idea approved by your manager, you must listen first and listen with intent.

Think like a CEO

Regardless of how much you love that ad campaign if it is not giving any results, you must abort it right away. Just like the CEO does. He never let his personal feelings dilute his decisions. He does what looks good for the company. You cannot afford to make anything happen to the company which might give it a loss.

Every campaign must give you something to take away. If it’s successful, it will bring in some sales. If it’s not, it should teach you some valuable lessons for your future.

Just get to the point

In a corporate environment, the only currency that matters is time. If you have time, you must spend it wisely. You cannot do anything which wastes the time of your customers. Whether it is your clients, your boss, or even your co-worker, get to the point fast. Learn the art of clearing your mind before you engage in any critical conversation. It would be best if you spoke what is essential. With your friends and family, it is okay to talk in circles to extend the time. However, in a corporate environment, you have to consider the time of other people. They are investing time when they are listening to you. Please don’t make them move in circles and talk about unimportant things first. Just get straight to the point.

However, yes, this doesn’t mean that you get rude with the person. It means you must give some thought on what the most important thing is to say and say it in few words.

If you want to learn something learn from someone professional. For instance, if you consider talking to a professional website design agency, their customer service representative will teach you a lot about these skills. Take note on how they are talking. How are they selling their services? I am sure you’ll learn a lot


A digital marketer is the heat and soul of every company. To other people, it might not look like one, but under the shadows, they are the ones responsible for bringing the most sales. These skills will help you to maximize the leads and understand the audience in a better way.

Posted by Mohammad Ali

Mohammad Ali
Mohammad Ali is an experienced digital marketer and a search engine marketing specialist who is currently associated with Branex, as senior digital marketer and brand strategist.

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