6 Amazing ASP.NET Functions to Sky Rocket Developer’s Productivity

6 Amazing ASP.NET Functions to Sky Rocket Developer’s Productivity

Advanced ASP .Net Development services have come to define the face of the new age and contemporary web application development.

A revolutionary web application development platform created by Microsoft, ASP .NET provides excellent features for the developers to come up with rather exclusive and competitive web applications. However, since the platform is continuously changing and upgraded, it is important for the developers and the development companies to be aware of these changes. Below, we shall cover 6 major points that significantly add to the creative potential of the developers. These points may have escaped your notice, hence read on carefully and decide whether there is a room for them in your development process or not.

6 Performance Boosting ASP.NET Development Tactics:

  1. Making the web page asynchronous – Usually, the requests in ASP.Net Development are handled in a synchronous fashion. The requests are queued up and new requests are only executed when the current requests are over. However, in order to reduce the request time for an important task, developers can opt for asynchronous page. This makes the entire tracking smooth and easy. For creating an asynchronous page, the developer would need to create a new object called PageAsyncTask and assign various parameters to begin time out and end the method.
  2. Try connection pooling to optimize resource utilization – the usual connections between the application and the databases consume a lot of resources. This can be adequately reduced by pooling the connection. Pooling resumed to creating a connection only if there isn’t any free connection already available in the pool. This greatly reduces the impact on the TCP connections. Although the developers need to be aware of any connection leaks, and avoid the same by frequently keeping a track of the connections.
  3. Know when to turn OFF the tracing and debugging – one of the best parts about ASP .Net development is that it is a thoroughly test driven programming and hence allows the developers to test the applications which they develop. However, what the developers need to understand is that they should turn off the tracing and debugging during the deployment stage, or otherwise the web application will suffer performance and would consume a tad too much of time. The option can be turned back on during the application stage, if you intend on to optimizing the performance and the development time, you should turn it off from the web.config file during the deployment stage.
  4. Exploit Cache Class the best way possible – The cache class provided by ASP .Net is superlatively useful and can be used to carry out a number of caching mechanisms. With the help of various objects of ASP .Net and the caching class, a developer can easily store the recourses, and define the validity, and the order of priority and expiration of the same. Callbacks can also be assigned to various objects that are cached, which will be invoked each time the object is abstained from the cache. Various new objects can also be added to the cache, simply by adjusting the cache history.
  5. View state provides amazing benefits – the View State in ASP .Net Development services provides a brilliant option to be used as an alternative to the server memory and cookies. Besides, various controls also allow view state to coincide with the settings set during the interactions with other page elements. However, the view stage should be disabled during the page or control level, for otherwise it may increase the loading time during the request and serving stage. Using views and turning it off during the most opportune times, would mark a significant increase in the performance of the application.
  6. Exploit the support offered by Data Paging – mostly the developers make use of the DataGrid for retrieving and displaying the information to the users. DataGrid comes with full support to data paging, with the help of which, the developers can show various records at a single given time. Thus, the users of the application can easily browse forwards and backwards of the information packed in the pagination and hence makes the entire application much more user friendly and interactive.

We are hopeful that the developers would find these tactics advantageous and resourceful. Make the best of the development platform with the aforementioned tips and tricks.

Posted by Celin Smith

Celin Smith

Celin Smith is an expert .NET developer at Xicom a .NET development company based in India. She has been in this industry for five years and loves all things web & technologies related.

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