6 Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies You Should Try

6 Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies You Should Try

Digital marketing is significantly different from traditional marketing - thanks to the latest tools, we can not only calculate and predict income, customize an individual approach, measure results, but also analyze our mistakes in order not to repeat them in the future.

Digital transformations are more than promising, but the company cannot be successful in digital in a day or a month. Some companies may even need a couple of years. It is also worth remembering that in order to succeed in digital marketing, it’s not enough to try 2-3 technologies and abandon this idea in case of failure. It is necessary to create trial projects, and to look at them, how one or another strategy, techniques, and methods work. There are different versions of the digital strategy, depending on what the company needs in the first place. Below we have collected six examples of successful digital strategies that should be successful with the right approach.

Visual Materials and Bots for Site Development

One of the main trends that have not lost its relevance for several years now is the increasing use of video and animation. People have long become lazy, they do not want to read, they want to look and listen. This approach is increasingly used by large businesses, and the media and interactive sites simply live off of this. Video and animation are actively used in the development of an online store site. Therefore, if you have not yet incorporated this approach into your digital strategy, please note that you no longer have to wait.
The second important trend is bots. Users no longer want to spend time getting to the answers to their questions. The competition between companies is such that a client can be lost in the blink of an eye. It is enough to do so that the content does not give answers to pressing questions. In order to facilitate the process of exploring products and solving problems, many sites introduce bots. They allow users to get answers to many questions, while not dialing into the customer service. For companies, this is an opportunity to save money, not to have a huge staff or order call center services.

Innovative Approaches to SEO Strategy

Standard SEO strategies lose their effectiveness and do not give the desired results. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to the On-SERP SEO approach.
SERP (Search Engine Results Page) is a search results page that Google shows in response to a search query. On-SERP SEO is a search engine optimization strategy for getting into multiple positions on the first page of the issue. This allows you to increase brand awareness, get more organic traffic and increase CTR. For this:

  • Include accurate responses to requests in your content.
  • Improve page clickability and user behavior.
  • Use queries that show quick responses.
  • Create answers for query questions. According to a SEMRush study, blocks with answers are displayed in 41% of interrogative queries.
  • Use heading formatting, illustrations, tables, and lists.

Localization as One of the Digital Strategies That Have No Boundaries

When you implement a digital marketing strategy, you are not limited to the geography of just your domestic market. However, in order to ensure the success of a foreign brand in a new market, it is necessary to localize the products and services offered, adapt the content and bring it in line with the culture of the new target audience. The role of localization in the process of international expansion is key.
Very often, no distinction is made between translation and localization and a simple translation is performed without optimizing the website for positioning it in the search engines of the country of destination. As a result, the company gets a properly translated site in terms of language, but completely invisible for organic search.
Implementing the strategy of the international expansion of the brand, it is important to work on the translation of content in collaboration with professional experts, for example, The Word Point. Professional translators-localizers will be able to adapt the text to the keywords that provide the greatest amount of traffic in the new country. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the keywords for each language and select the exact keywords, and not just translate the text literally, as this will negatively affect the site positioning.

Mobile Digital Strategy on Advanced Technologies

Mobile marketing is a permanent trend in recent years. And the behavior of the so-called Generations Z and Y, the most active shoppers, contributes to this in every way. Retailers, however, like many other companies, realize the importance of user experience on mobile devices and understand that the decision-making process often begins in the digital environment. Brands follow the consumer, not the other way around, and use mobile technology in marketing strategies.
Today, not only marketing techniques but also technical solutions are used to attract the audience. Standard applications have a number of disadvantages: the development of a mobile application is expensive and time-consuming, the user must install the application on his smartphone, and only on the platform for which it was created. Instead, today it is possible to create a progressive web application that is installed in one click, does not require constant access to the Internet and is much cheaper.

The Driving Force of Personalized and Interactive Email Marketing

Trends come and are forgotten over time, but there are some that show consistent sustainability every year. This is a course to bring together and improve relationships with potential and existing customers. Personalized e-mails, designed to meet one’s preferences, help customers treat the letter as a friendly gesture, not a factor of irritation.
But how do you know what subscribers want? It is easy to find out by analyzing previous customer purchases, conducting in-depth segmentation by gender, age and most frequently viewed categories of products or offers.
Every year customers become much more demanding. If you want to constantly keep the attention of subscribers and attract new ones, include more interactive in the newsletters. Animation, games, and quizzes will constantly stir up the interest of customers.

An Intellectual Approach to Working with Big Data

All the events in the world, news portals, brands, their trade and information intermediaries generate megatons of content every second. Online payment systems record transactions, banks control the movement of cash and non-cash money, stores register checks and analyze their amounts. Search engines record the number and frequency of Internet requests. Social networks see the number of mentions of certain brands, and by accompanying environment, they understand the nature and reason for the mention, mood, and attitude.
In fact, all of the above strategies are based on data. But in order to maximize their potential, it is necessary to follow innovative approaches. To get, to put together, to comprehend all these erratic data, you need to use cutting-edge analytics using artificial intelligence and huge data storage capacity.


In conclusion, it is important to say that creating a digital strategy can help create a positive consumer experience that works for the company's brand, regardless of the “touch point”, the channel or the customer’s device. It also promotes the transparency and flexibility needed to make informed decisions to quickly respond to market changes. In the end, it is possible to safely say that in today's all-always-with-all-related world a digital strategy is to a certain extent a company's own business strategy.

Posted by Mary Hunter

Mary Hunter

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