5 SEO Myths You Need To Ignore

5 SEO Myths You Need To Ignore

The world of SEO is rife with lies, myths and gossip. If you listen to every so-called expert out there, you will find that you get loads of conflicting advice. So, how do you know whose advice to listen to and what to ignore?

Well, there is no way of knowing who is posting articles online. Of course, you can look into the authenticity of a writer, but, these days, anyone can make themselves look legitimate. Instead, you need to use some common sense. If something seems a little weird, you should ignore it. Here to help you get things straight are some of the most common myths, which you need to ignore.

1. Google looks at the author

There was a time when everybody in the world rushed to Google+ thinking that it would improve their SEO. For a while, Google did pay attention to who people were and whether they were part of their system. Now, things have gone much further beyond that. These days, authorship is not a massive deal, and so you should not worry about it at all.

2. You can rely on SEO tools and apps

For people who don't understand SEO, one of the main problems is that there are many people willing to take your money for nothing. There are now hundreds of tools and apps that say they can improve your ranking? It sounds perfect, doesn't it? Well, it's not. In fact, these tools are almost all useless. Buying them is a waste of your finances. Rather than doing that, you should hire a reputable company or spend some time learning about techniques. Only then, can you be sure that your ranking will improve.

3. Every post has to be super long

Many people think that you need to make sure that your blogs and articles are super long. There are loads of different advice pieces that will give you an exact formula for success. SEO is not a science. The best content is original and fresh. If you want to know how it works, experts from any Vancouver SEO agency can explain the best practices for posting new content. Don't assume that writing a thousand-word piece is the right way to go about things. Sure, length can be a helpful factor, but if you are writing nonsense, it won't work. Treat each post as a serious article. What do you want to share with your audience? When you write, share that core message.

4. Once you've mastered SEO, you're all set

You might think that once you have learned SEO techniques, you have done your job. If only it were that easy. The truth is that Google changes its requirements all the time. Doing so is the only way in which the search engine can ensure content is valuable to the users. If you want to stay ahead, you need to make sure that you keep up to date with new techniques all the time. Pay attention to SEO news so that you know when Google changes its algorithm.

5. Meta tags can help you

Some experts will tell you that you need to change and refine your meta tags continually. That in itself is a massive waste of your time and resources. There are so many people out there who have abused the meta tag system that Google has decided to ignore it altogether in the future. That means that you don't need to think about meta tags or refining your phrases. Forget it. Instead, focus on developing new ways of improving your SEO. That way, you will have a shot at improving your ranking slot. 

Posted by Ingenium Web

Ingenium Web

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