What HR Needs to Know About Hiring Millennials for Remote Work

What HR Needs to Know About Hiring Millennials for Remote Work

Ask any Human Resource rep, and they’ll probably tell you it can be pretty tricky to hire just the right candidate.

Throw in there the restrictiveness of location, and it can seem almost impossible. It’s one of the reasons hiring remotely is becoming more commonplace, especially with the new generation moving in. Millennials are seeking more opportunities that allow them the chance to work remotely. According to a survey done in 2016 by Deloitte, being able to work remotely was one of the top three qualifications (11.0%). Topped only by work-life balance by 16.8% and opportunity to progress at 13.4%.  Followed by a sense of good purpose for the work (9.3%) and professional training programs (8.3%).

With this new expectation coming into play, your HR department may seem at a loss at how to implement this new style and even where to begin. With Millennials wanting more out of their career life, it's not unusual for any company to struggle to attract them. The Society For Human Resource Management reports “HR professionals in government are struggling to attract the best young workers.” They go on to mention that Millennials are attracted to companies that offer “meaningful work,” a “clear mission,” and “flexible schedules.”

So when it comes to hiring, what can your HR department expect?

What HR Can Expect With Hiring Millennials

According to Allied “Millennials are the most likely generation to switch jobs-six in 10 Millennials are open to new job opportunities, and 64% (in the U.S.) expect to change jobs in the next five years.” Already Millennials make up more than 25% of the workforce and consequently are currently the most prevalent. By 2030, Millennials will account for 75%. With this new generational wave moving in, it’s important to reevaluate your work style environment as your business hires new employees.

Embracing the idea of hiring remote workers will help you move in the right direction. It will not only prepare you for what the new workforce is going to be looking for, but it will also prepare your business to be desirable for Millennials to stay. Allied continued with “it stands to reason that employers who provide flexible work options will be much more successful at attracting, supporting, and retaining millennial employees.”

To help get started with the idea of hiring remotely, check out this article.

The desire of being able to work remotely while being able to live the life you want is no longer just a dream, and most Millennials are jumping on the bandwagon. With a whopping 84% saying that they’ll be more loyal to a company if working remotely is at least an option for them while 44% say companies that don’t offer it are “old-fashioned.” The desire for it is so big that ClickbyBooking referred to it as a “movement.”

How Remote Work Is Ideal For Millennials

By 2016 43% of employees reported working remotely which was a 4% jump from 2012, and that number continues to rise as Millennials move in. By preparing your work environment and hiring process to be remote worker-friendly, you’re gearing your business up to embrace the up-and-coming changes successfully. And with Millennials growing up in such a digital-savvy environment, not only are they bringing their positive outlook and can-do attitude but they also have the ability to navigate technology with an ease that some of us can only dream of. A skill that will no doubt benefit themselves and your company if you’re willing to let them harness it in your favor.

For example, because more than a quarter of Millennials already prefer to use web-based applications to communicate, there will be no need to train them on how to use them for remote positions. In fact, they may be teaching you how to use them instead. 

With all these news changes expected in your company, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Noting the same hesitation, Forbes mentions “like any shift in corporate culture, transitioning to this type of environment won’t be without its challenges...”

However, getting you and your company ready to provide what new job seekers are after will pay off in the long run. 

The Positive Impact Of Remote Work

No one in their right mind would tell you that preparing your business to meet the demands of the next up-and-coming workforce is a bad idea especially when it means improving your business style. Along with helping employees feel good about their career choices and providing a chance to work remotely (not to mention that amount of money your company will save on on-site equipment and real estate), make sure your remote team members feel that they’re included in the business.

Hiring millennials - or any new employee - remotely is no easy job. But an effective onboarding process would help you a lot. Here you have some ideas!

Study.com creator and CEO Adrian Ridner concur, saying, “Create a company culture where colleagues work together toward a meaningful goal and where team members’ voices can be heard.” Changing your work style will also show potential employees you’re willing to adapt as technology and professional desires evolve. This attitude will impress any millennial.

If you’re hesitant to make these types of changes to your work style... Don’t be. As stated earlier, the idea of finding a better way to make your employees feel like a team, being open to new working environments (namely telecommuting), and embracing recent changes can only have a positive impact. WorkPlaceinsight cautions “rather than see this transformation of the workplace as the overindulgence of a young or inexperienced generation, smart employers know that remote work isn’t just a passing phase, but a real solution for some of their overarching business goals and objectives.” 

Change can be scary, especially when it comes to how you run your business. But by being willing to consider the growing demands of the new workforce, you’re not only setting yourself up to succeed, but you’re also evolving into what the world needs you to be. Technology may not be for everyone, but it’s out there, and it’s only getting better, stronger, and faster. And businesses can no longer ignore what they can do for them if they want to continue flourishing.

And once you’re on board to give hiring remote workers a try, it can be challenging to know where even to start

Posted by inGenium Ltd

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