Top 10 Most Common Mistakes Beginner Programmers Make

Top 10 Most Common Mistakes Beginner Programmers Make

Almost everyone, starting to learn something new, makes mistakes. One cannot say that mistakes are bad, on the contrary, mistakes help us to improve, teach us and push us to personal development.

But who said that everyone is obliged to repeat the mistakes of others? After all, it is quite possible to learn from their experience to avoid the same mistakes.
Therefore, we have collected the most common mistakes of novice programmers and want to share this information with you. One of the ways to do a computer science assignment without errors is to hire an expert who will help do your programming homework online. Find out what kind of mistakes professionals can help beginners to avoid.

Mistake 1: Not Thinking about User’s Needs

Novice developers do not put themselves in the place of the user. An experienced developer imagines what users need. He/she thinks about how to make it easier for the user to work with the application and to simplify access to certain functions.

Mistake 2: Too Much Doubt

No need to be afraid and tell yourself that you will not succeed. If you convince yourself of this, then you really won’t achieve success. Do not let your fear stop yourself. To worry that you have the wrong mindset or that you are not smart enough for programming is nonsense. Of course, there are real geniuses in the world of programming, but there are only a few of them. Others achieve success when working hard. Therefore, forget about all doubts and believe in yourself!

Mistake 3: Not Devoting Enough Time to Learning of Each New Language

Some newcomers, having felt that they can already do something, decide that they have already learned enough and move on to another language. Thus, it turns out that they seem to know something, but do not really know how. Complete the study of each language you choose and do not rush from one to the other.

Mistake 4: Learning One Language after Another

The advice not to learn two or more foreign languages is also suitable for programming languages. Do not try to learn several languages at once. And don’t immediately start learning a new language after you have mastered the previous one. Neglecting this advice, you risk confusing yourself and mixing knowledge in your head. After learning the language, work with it, let it fit in your mind. Make a couple of projects, and only then start learning a new language.

Mistake 5: No Backuping Your Work

There are a lot of great tools that automatically do backups and put them in the cloud. Therefore, any problems, be it a fire or a “blue screen,” cannot all your labors are nullified.

Mistake 6: Writing Code without a Plan

Having received the task, beginners immediately rush to carry it out, without making a plan, which includes what professionals consider necessary. You must understand the requirements and goals of your work. This may sound obvious, but if you get carried away with work, you can go the wrong way.

Mistake 7: Choosing the First Available Solution

Every programmer who encounters a problem tries to solve it, which is natural. An experienced programmer knows that you cannot apply the first solution to your code. It is necessary to compare it with the rest found and choose the optimal one. The beginner most likely uses the first solution that comes across and does not even notice that, for example, the complexity of the algorithm will increase.

Mistake 8: Using Inappropriate Data Structures

In preparation for the interview, novice programmers devote enough time to algorithms. If you know a lot of data structures and know how to apply them, for the employer this will clearly be a plus. However, this is not enough. An important point is the “appropriateness” of the application of these structures.

Mistake 9: Absence of Tests

If you do not write tests, then check the code manually. If you are creating a web application, you will probably update the application after a few written lines of code. There is nothing wrong with such testing. However, complex code is still worth checking in an automatic way. Usually, a script is written that performs certain actions after adding the nth number of lines of code to the project.

Mistake 10: Setting Too Broad Goals

To become a full-fledged programmer is a very voluminous and global goal. And if you focus only on it, it will be very difficult to maintain motivation. You will be tired and disappointed, and you won’t even be able to understand how much you have progressed towards your goal.
Break your goal into stages, and each of them should not take too much time. For example, highlight a month for video lessons with a basic language course, then, another month to consolidate practical skills at the level studied. Then - lectures and practice at a more advanced level.
A clearly defined plan, according to which you will move from stage to stage, will help not to lose motivation and achieve success.

Posted by Ingenium Web

Ingenium Web

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