Pin and Click: How to Drive Pinterest Traffic to Your Website

Pin and Click: How to Drive Pinterest Traffic to Your Website

Never underestimate the traffic potential of Pinterest. Discover the secrets webmasters use to drive targeted Pinterest traffic to their sites!

Pinterest is a giant of the internet. Every month it boasts an incredible 300 million monthly users!
The popularity of this platform makes it a marketer’s best friend. There’s simply a huge number of available eyes that can find their way straight to your website.
When used correctly, Pinterest can drive exceptional levels of traffic and leads to your door.
But that’s easier said than done. Every platform has its own particular ‘culture’ to master. Pinterest absolutely has the potential to send traffic your way. However, it takes the right approach to do it.
Want to learn how to make it happen? Keep reading to learn exactly how to drive Pinterest traffic to your website.

Open a Business Account

The first necessary step to getting Pinterest traffic is creating your account.
A standard account won’t cut it though. You want the business version. Thankfully, it’s free. Simply go ahead and set it up as per the Pinterest site instructions.
There are numerous benefits to having a business account.
Firstly, you get access to the analytics that is available. Obviously, this is a vital attribute for marketers! It means you can track the success of your account and glean clues on how to improve. To access analytics you’ll need to verify your website.
Secondly, you can apply for something called Rich Pins. These types of pins include additional information about your site. This facilitates greater engagement with Pinterest users, which is good news for you.

Set-Up (& Optimize) Your Profile

Congratulations on setting up your new Pinterest account!
It’s now time to turn it into the fully-optimized, SEO-focused, traffic-generating animal you’re after.
Thankfully, the set up itself is neither complicated nor time-consuming. However, there are certain elements to pay attention to.
Firstly, add your profile picture. Setting up for a business? Use your business logo. Setting up as an individual/blogger/sole proprietor, or so on? Consider putting a picture of yourself up. This will make it seem more personable.
Try and set the same picture you use on other social media platforms and on your website too. That consistency helps create coherence between your web-presence.
Next up is your business name and site URL. The most important part is the description. Pinterest relies on keywords too. In any description you include, be sure to optimize for the keywords (just as you would do for website design) you want to show for in search.

Focus on the Visuals

With your account set up, it’s time to focus on populating it with content. And by content, we mean pins.
However, you shouldn’t just add anything you want. Instead, it’s important to focus on creating aesthetically pleasing pins. This is vital for driving engagement and traffic.
Pinterest is a visual platform. If something stands out, attracts the eye, and looks good, then it will perform better.
This is the case for both your boards and your pins.
Aesthetics are of vital importance. Always create vertical pins (these stand out better in Pinterest layouts) with catchy headlines and a high-quality image. These factors, combined with an attractive design, will make them more likely to stand out as required.
The title is key too. Having an easy to read headline will generate more interest.

Pin at Sensible Times

You wouldn’t post on Facebook when you know your audience isn’t online. Likewise, you wouldn’t update Instagram at a time your key audience is asleep.
In the same way, it’s important to pin at the right time. With 300 million monthly users, think how many pins are being posted every single minute. You need yours to show up in the right place at the right time.
The goal is to get re-pins. This is when someone sees your awesome pin and wants to put it on one of their boards. The more that happens, the more your reach spreads.
But for that to happen, you need to pin when your would-be audience is active. Equally, pinning more often is better too. Opinions vary, but checking your analytics will hold the answers.
Refer to the data to see when audience demographics. From there, you can start planning more effectively when you pin new content.

Nail the Description

Remember how we mentioned the value of your profile’s description?
Well, the same applies to individual pin descriptions too.
Every pin has a space to tell people what it’s about. This description section is key to helping people find it on the platform. They must be keyword focused (don’t sacrifice readability for the sake of keyword stuffing though!), explain what the post’s about, and use positive, emotive words!
Likewise, be sure to have a call to action at the end. Something along the lines of ‘click the image to read more about it’, will foster greater engagement.
Oh, and include hashtags too! Don’t go overboard with them, and ensure they relate to the subject of the post.

Leverage Group Boards

Group boards hold the key to increasing your levels of exposure and traffic.
These are community boards where multiple people can pin their content. They provide access to someone else’s audience when you might not have one yet.
Unfortunately, it can take some effort to get access. Firstly, you need to find them and apply. Do this by heading to someone’s profile and viewing their boards. The group boards are those with a circle, in the bottom left-hand corner, showing multiple profiles within them.
From there, click on the board and check the application instructions. These will be in the description.
The best boards have lots of followers and fewer contributors! This combination guarantees greater exposure for your pins.

Time to Drive Some Pinterest Traffic

There you have it: some top tips for driving Pinterest traffic to your website.
322 Million Monthly Users  to Pinterest is a behemoth of the internet these days. With hundreds of millions of active users, anyone with a website can leverage the platform to drive users to it.
Hopefully, this post has highlighted exactly how to make that happen.
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Posted by Ingenium Web

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