Content marketing tips for small businesses

Content marketing tips for small businesses

Content marketing is the cheapest and the most efficient method of promotion. It costs 62% less than traditional marketing but still manages to generate three times more leads. This makes content creation ideal for small businesses with limited marketing resources.

All you need is to show a little bit of creativity and invest some time into planning and preparation. Alright, I know it’s not as easy as it sounds but following a few basic principles of content creation, you can make a great marketing strategy for the small business. Here are the 6 most practical tips in that regard.

Do the research

If you want to win over customers, you have to do the research and analyze target audience. Who is the person that would want to buy your products or services? Is it a high-school kid or a middle-aged lady?

These and many other details play a decisive role in content creation. Make sure to find out the location, gender, age, and favorite themes of your average buyers. That way, you can offer them customized products which precisely match their personal affinities.

Schedule activities

Running a small business, you probably won’t have enough time for everyday social media engagement. You need to plan and schedule content marketing activities to fulfill two important factors: frequency and quality. It’s not necessary to post content each day but you should be able to do it at least twice a week.

At the same time, less frequent means that your posts should be very good and interesting for target consumers. If you can’t really manage time successfully, use a simple tool like Google Calendar to schedule announcements. It is easy to use and you will never forget to actually publish the content you create.

Exploit trendy topics

Online users are spoiled and they forget things quickly. In order to stay relevant, you should exploit trendy topics and talk about the latest industry-related news and events. Fortunately, there are a lot of digital tools that can help you with this. For example, Trendsmap is the software which shows you the latest trends from Twitter in any geographical location in the world. With this kind of support, finding a relevant theme for your content will be a piece of cake.

Write high-quality blogs

Blogging is a must in content marketing because companies that publish blog posts generate much more leads than those that don’t. A recent research even proved that more than 80% of companies write blogs because it improves engagement.

However, you need to distinguish from competitors and go one step further by creating high-quality articles. Since you don’t have time to write each day, then you have to add more value to your topics and make an in-depth analysis. This way, users will keep coming back for more content, so make sure to give them what they want.

Design infographics

The Internet is getting more visual recently as users demand more images but also more infographics. Since there are hundreds of millions of photos available online, infographics are your chance to make amusing and informative content. Tools like Canva or Easelly give you the opportunity to become a decent infographic designer without too much trouble. These apps are simple and easy to learn, allowing you to present valuable niche-related data in a fresh form.

Create video content

Videos are by far the most popular online content. More than 80% of Twitter users watch video content on this photo-sharing network, which really proves the power of video nowadays. This is why you should invest at least a small portion of your budget into video content creation.

If done properly, this type of marketing has the biggest potential to go viral and bring you many new customers. Don’t think that it is too complicated for you at this stage of business – just give videos a try and it may earn you much more than you ever could imagine.


Content marketing is a dream-come-true for small businesses and new entrepreneurs - it is cheap and has the potential to reach global audiences within minutes. In such circumstances, you don’t need more than a good content marketing strategy to boost your business. You can design a successful marketing campaign with these six tips, so feel free to use them and let me know how it worked out for you.

Posted by Jade Parker

Jade Parker
Jade Parker is a marketing specialist and a part-time blogger at Assignment masters. Jade is an expert in content creation and she enjoys sharing her ideas with young entrepreneurs and new businesses. Besides that, Jade just loves long walks because it helps her to stay mentally fresh for everyday duties.

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