7 Ways Technology Can Keep You Safe

7 Ways Technology Can Keep You Safe

There are many ways we can fall victim to unsafe practices in this world, from buying online to using devices to running a business, and more.

Luckily, advances in technology have meant that although there are more problems than ever before in terms of safety, there are also more solutions. Technology really can be used to keep you safe, and here are some of the ways it can be done.

Data Encryption

Someone being able to hack into your computer to steal important remotely, sensitive information such as bank details (yours or your clients’) and other personal information that could be used either to make money or as a form of identity theft, is becoming more and more of a concern.

Using data encryption can be an ideal way of using technology to keep this information much safer. Data encryption essentially makes the information unreadable by all except those it is intended for, so even if someone were able to hack your system or network, they wouldn’t be able to do anything with the information they found there.

Protective Phone Cases

We all use our cell phones daily, and for many people, those phones are always within reach, whether that’s in a pocket, a purse, or in our hands. The problem is, there are concerns that the radiation coming from these phones can cause us mental and physical health issues, including tumors and infertility. What can be done since we all need to use those devices daily, many times a day?

The answer is to use technology. Special EMF protection has been built into phone cases to ensure that they are kept as safe as possible. There isn’t any way to make people use the devices less, so making them safer in this way is the next best option.

Finding A Lost Device

Imagine if you lost your phone or your tablet or laptop – what would happen? In the very best case, you would be inconvenienced because you wouldn’t be able to work for a little while, and you would have to go through the hassle of letting your insurance company know. Then you would need to go through the expense of purchasing new devices. It’s time-consuming and frustrating.

In the worse cases, you would have lost invaluable information, and you may even have left yourself – and your clients or acquaintances – open to theft. Your data could easily be misused and either sold or damaged.

Technology will help. Technology installed on your devices means you can not only track where that device is, and therefore lead police to it, but you can also completely remotely lock it. The thief won’t be able to use the device, making it worthless to them, and keeping your information safe.

Extra Security

Passwords have always been problematic. Not only are they difficult to remember for the individual, but they are often easily guessed by hackers. To get past this, the passwords need to be ever more complicated (making them even harder to remember), plus they should be changed every three months or so. With so many devices, websites, and accounts requiring passwords, it is becoming very difficult for people to keep up with the changes.

Now that technology has moved forward, and it is possible to use either fingerprints or facial recognition to log into various devices and sites, everything has become much more secure. There is no need to complicated passwords – or any passwords at all – and therefore they can’t be forgotten or stolen.

Secure Your Property

Your home needs to be just as secure as your laptop, tablet, and phone, but many people are less concerned about the one major asset in their lives as they concentrate their efforts on their smaller devices. This means that, although your business information and banking passwords might be completely safe, the place in which you live could have serious problems.

At least, that used to be the issue. Today things have changed, and it is possible to secure your home properly using the most up to date home security systems including alarms, facial recognition, and video cameras.

It is even possible to remotely view anyone who is attempting to gain access to your home and speak to them, plus you can set off alarms no matter where you are. Not only that, but you can arm your alarm and lock your doors from anywhere, so if you had to leave in a rush, you could still keep your property completely safe.

Wireless Charging

Wireless charging is a great piece of technology that means you can effectively charge your mobile devices no matter where you are. It’s quick too, giving you a full charge in just a few minutes. Although impressive, why is wireless charging something that can keep you safe?

The answer is that if you can continue to charge your mobile devices on the move, you will always be in contact with help should you need it. Batteries running low is a major issue and could put you in danger if you found you had no charge but desperately needed to call for help. Being able to charge when you need to is an excellent safety measure.

Internet Banking

More and more people are using internet banking as a means to take control of their money. This means they don’t have to take the time and effort to visit a physical bank, and their financial tasks can be carried out swiftly and easily. Of course, this system does also lay itself open to several security issues, and although many people do choose this method, others are wary.

By having facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, and a secure password and passcode system, you can be almost entirely sure that your money is safe. The more physical banks and financial institutes that close down (as is happening right now), the harder it will be for people to pay money in, take money out, or otherwise keep control of their finances. If you can bank online, you won’t have to worry about this, and can save yourself a lot of trouble.

Posted by inGenium Ltd

inGenium Ltd

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