5 Social Media Tools to Explode Growth and Reach In 2019

5 Social Media Tools to Explode Growth and Reach In 2019

If you own a business - chances are that you're already using Social Media platforms and methods to get the word out about your business.

If you haven't begun using these platforms - you are probably seriously considering it and you should be...

The social media epoch (I mean the beginning of a new era) has formed a whole new way of networking, connecting dots between commerce and lifestyle, speeding up globalization and taming space for businesses to penetrate the market.

From Facebook and Twitter to Instagram and Snapchat, people are spoiled for choices when it comes to getting in touch with the world. A single WhatsApp group could contain the real estate contacts and data of an entire area code. A YouTube channel can be a knowledgeable source of information related to fixing up your car. One Facebook post could go viral and demand support for controversial matters that require change.

Thus, social media serves as the perfect pitch for commercial enterprises, whether starting out or already in the game, to exponentially expand their reach and simultaneously understand the market better.

Social media has grown to strengthen client relations with businesses and amplify brand loyalty. With numerous modes of social media, a brand can take several formulas to reach a wide range of audiences, thereby dominating markets with its presence. Social media relies on the ability to relate. The market works on the same principle for any business to take off. Arguably one of the best qualities of social media is that its persuasive publicity urges industries to bring quality products and services to a competitive market. As the forefront of many innovative steps in the entrepreneurial world today, social media is the digital compass that any business must crack to manoeuvre through changing trends and growing markets.

Social Influencers

This is where Social Media Management (SMM) plays a key role and sets itself apart as a governing force in the field of brand promotion, advertising and gaining market approval. Excellent social media management techniques dictate the success of a business in the digital world. This is confidently translated to durable results in the market. These platforms are effective in the growth of businesses. In fact, many people find out about different businesses, their products and services via Social Media Networks.

With the rise of technological prominence in every industry, social media management (SMM) is backed by a set of digital tools that lay off the burdens that come with the hefty task of reaching out to millions in an instant. Managing content and delivering the right material takes time, effort and loads of creativity. The goal is to appeal to prospects in the most innovative manner possible. As the web is already saturated with creativity, getting your point across becomes that much tougher. This is why certain tools and techniques are required in efficient social media marketing for businesses across the world. These carefully structured, user-friendly SMM tools help manage content on multiple social media platforms in a timely manner while bringing the best out of communication with viewers

Below You Will Find 5 social media tools to help explode your business growth and reach:


Hootsuite is a multifaceted social media tool to drive a campaign and promote business. It covers almost all the major social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest.

It offers the multiple features of scheduling your content, monitoring what you’re sharing and curating content for you. Apart from that, it comes with a feature of analytics for social media. Here, you can get reports and insights on your performance on the social media front.

By providing for the team management feature, Hootsuite makes teamwork a smooth process for you. It also comes with features that protect your brand from social media risks.

For individuals and small businesses, Hootsuite is the best and most popular social media management tool currently available, and there is a reason for it being so popular. Using its simple web based dashboard, you can schedule posts, carry out Social Marketing campaigns, manage engagement, track conversations, monitor the competition, and measure the effectiveness of the campaign using analytics and generate reports, across all popular social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ Page, LinkedIn, and Foursquare.

HootSuite also has an option so you can import your blog posts as tweets.


This is a nice tool to create analytic-rich reports for clients if you are a social media manager, or for your boss. You can track fan growth, your top fans, your most engaging posts through attractive, clear graphs and charts. Crowdbooster also works out the best time to post.

There are some cool features about this app which answers the question “why should I use crowdbooster” which includes:

  • It reminds you to respond if you missed a Tweet (whoa! This is just cool to imagine)
  • Recommendations on where to source relevant content on the dashboard
  • Visually appealing, navigation is intuitive
  • Produces attractive charts and graphs for analytics reports
  • Easy to use scheduler
  • Emails progress summary weekly

But it is important to look at this aspect of the app too, which is that,

Currently, it only supports Twitter and Facebook. But this has not stopped it from being an effective tool in growing your business.


Buffer App is user-friendlier than Hootsuite and is becoming the preferred app for scheduling. Using this app (and integrating it with your browser, your phone, and other services) you can add updates to your Buffer queue and it will be posted for you well-spaced out over the day -at optimal times.

Let’s take a look at some exciting features of this BufferApp

  • Buffer allows the use of your own URL shortening service such as (bit.ly)
  • The user can schedule how many posts a day get published and at what times they go out
  • The web interface is easy to use


Tweepi is a tool to help you to manage your Twitter followers. Tweepi displays the users in columns by showing their names, bios, locations, number of tweets, number of followers, number of users they follow, dates of their last tweets, and more.

Tweepi’s got some exciting features to really boost you might want to check out:

  • Tweepi's "Flush" option allows you to see the users you follow who are not following you back
  • "Reciprocate" option allows you to see the users following you who you're not following back
  • Cleanup" option allows you to see everyone who you're following so you can unfollow as many users as you like
  • You can also see who your friends (or other businesses) are following, follow full lists and follow other users based on who they follow


If Twitter is your target network, then there is no better social media tool than SocialBro. This powerful tool is unique in that it provides a more comprehensive platform than any other Social Marketing (SM) manager application for Twitter. This SM tool has four main features: Targeting, Engagement, Management, and Analytics.

Even if your plan is to target multiple social media networks, this tool can complement your efforts by offering analytic reports, which can be used in Social Marketing campaigns run on Hootsuite or Buffer. SocialBro is a Twitter product that helps you get the most out of your marketing activities on Twitter. SocialBro integrates with HootSuite helping companies schedule posts at the best times to reach the largest amount of its followers.

This tool is great when you are building a following on Twitter's platform and want to ensure that your interactions are genuine. With some paid services to get more followers, the accounts that 'follow' are fake accounts. They are placeholders to gain numbers not qualified contacts. SocialBro identifies inactive followers or inactive accounts that a company follows so a list of valid contacts interested in the brand can be created. It is important to make qualified contacts because that is how to sustain brand loyalty and attract new customers.


MobileMonkey is a Facebook Messenger Marketing Platform designed to build chatbots on Facebook Messenger. The chatbots created via MobileMonkey can be designed to automatically make appointments, track purchases and send messages to your Facebook contacts, with no coding required.

This Chatbot Tool for Facebook Messenger:

  • Sends automated messages to Facebook Messenger Contacts
  • Builds chatbots that quality leads
  • Makes appointments, answer FAQS and track purchases with Chatbots
  • Grows your Facebook Messenger contacts using a variety of lead magnets


Linkiro is a tool that will allow you to add a call-to-action to the websites you share on social media. With this tool, you can begin to reclaim some of the traffic you lose by sharing other people's content on social media. This is perfect for content curators and social media managers who are good at finding content their audience loves.

Here's just some of the things you can do with Linkiro

  • Linkiro allows you to shorten links for sharing on social media, with your own domain
  • You can create and add popups and slideup call-to-actions to the links you share
  • You can add pixels to the links you share and retarget your followers that engage with your content


With all these tools at your disposal coupled with exemplary business management, social networking will work for the better and entrepreneurs will experience amazing returns in investment in no time at all; all with the aid of these social networking tools for business.

Good luck!

Posted by Edos Ubebe

Edos Ubebe
Edos Ubebe is a Blogger, Website Developer & an internet entrepreneur specializing in traffic generation and conversion

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