Top 5 Material Design Frameworks & Library's

Top 5 Material Design Frameworks & Library's

Material design is a design language created by Google for Android platform in 2014. Altough it was created primarily for Android platform, in the recent years it spreaded onto other platforms.

What is Material design?

Material Design is a powerful specification created by Google that facilitates a consistent experience across multiple devices regardless of form factor or input method. To achieve this goal, Angular Material implemented an incredibly intuitive and easy layout system. Material Design is also based on a collection of principles that come together to produce a rich and compelling visual experience for the user. Material design is a three-dimensional environment containing light, material that can cast shadows. The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z dimensions. Material Design is breaking away from the initial Android surge as well. Even though the concept is the brainchild of Google, designers are running with it and using Material Design for websites across a variety of platforms and for all device types.

This is the list of my Top 5 Material design frameworks for you to choose from:

Angular Material

Angular Material is both a UI Component framework and a reference implementation of Google's Material Design Specification. Angular Material provides a set of reusable UI components based on the Material Design system. Angular Material is composed of several pieces. It has a CSS library for typography and other elements, it provides an interesting JavaScript approach for theming, and its responsive layout uses a flex grid. But the most appealing feature of Angular Material is its amazing collection of directives.



Materialize is a front-end framework for building responsive web apps and sites. It’s really simple to get started with, especially to people familiar with Bootstrap. It is a responsive CSS framework built by a team of students from Carnegie Mellon University and has become one of the more popular Material Design frameworks used today. This framework is very comprehensive providing a host of components including CSS, JavaScript, icons, and fonts.


Material Design Lite

MDL makes it easy to add a material design look and feel to your websites. The “Lite” part of MDL comes from several key design goals: MDL has few dependencies, making it easy to install and use. It is framework-agnostic, meaning MDL can be used with any of the rapidly changing landscape of front-end tool chains. MDL has a low overhead in terms of code size (~27KB gzipped), and a narrow focus — enabling material


Material Ui

MUI is a lightweight CSS framework that follows Google's Material Design guidelines. MUI is built to provide a basic set of components and helper methods that developers can use to build sites that are fast and user-friendly. MUI distinguishes itself from other CSS/JS frameworks by focusing on the following features:

  • CSS-namespace to separate framework and app markup
  • Small payload size
  • No external dependencies
  • Automatically attaches event handlers to new DOM nodes
  • JavaScript library can be loaded asynchronously
  • Cross platform support (e.g. HTML Email, React, WebComponents)
  • Extreme hackability



“Polymer is not a framework.” Polymer is a library for creating Web Components, which are a set of W3C standards and upcoming browser APIs for defining your own custom HTML elements. With the help of polyfills and sugar, it can create these custom elements and bring Web Component support to browsers that don’t play nice with the standard just yet.


Conclusion :

If you are considering implementing a Material Design UI in your next project, I would advise you to start with Materialize as this framework works like Bootstrap with the elements accessible through CSS classes. Material Design appears to have promising future in the UI design. It is a huge step in the advancement of the web and its transformation into fully capable application distribution platform. Most of the libraries and frameworks offer similar components and overall features. It’s up to developer to decide which one works best for them/their current project.

Posted by Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson
I am a Digital Marketing expert working for Ingenium on various projects.

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