Social Media Optimisation: It's Time to Rethink Your Social Strategy

Social Media Optimisation: It's Time to Rethink Your Social Strategy

Social media optimisation is fast becoming a popular way to increase traffic to your website. After all, with increased traffic come greater leads. In many cases, these leads can be converted into sales.

Sales are the lifeblood of any organisation. Without sales, it goes without saying, you are destined for failure.

One of the greatest things about social media is that it can increase web traffic in a natural and holistic way. This is perfect for those that don’t want to suffer at the behest of Google algorithms. After all, you need to ensure that you are appeasing Google, but also getting the most from your social media strategies.

So, what is social media optimisation? Is it time to rethink social strategies?

Social Media Optimisation (SMO)

Social media can be optimised for maximum success within any industry. For marketers, they are keen to use social media to generate buzz around their product and services. But, updating a status and sharing content is not always enough. You need to invest in SMO practices. Social media are very similar to search engine marketing. But, it’s not entirely alike.

SMO focuses on driving that all-important web traffic, from social media to your website. What is more, SMO can be used to ensure that you are ranking higher within SERPS.

Social Media and Your Venture

SMO is not entirely alien to many marketers. All of the traditional marketing rules apply, except the platform is different. Think about where you have a social media presence. Google Plus, Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter are all necessary for your business.

SMO, therefore, relies on the marketer to have a robust means of sharing video and audio content. You need to be aware of the importance of social bookmarking too. Viral marketing is needed here for maximum success. Simply sharing one story, once per day, will not ensure maximum success. You need to ensure that others are sharing your content. This is required to drive traffic to your main website.

Think about these practices. It’s akin to building an audience base. Social media marketing in Victoria has taken this kind of strategy and run with it. It seems that the rest of us are yet to catch up.

But, once you implement social media optimisation, you can ensure maximum success. What’s more, it’s all perfectly in line with Google’s many, many rules.

Examples of SMO: Is it Really This Simple?

SMO can be as complex as you like. But, you are only making work for yourself. Let’s take a look at some examples, so that you can implement SMO strategies for sound success.

The Facebook Example

Facebook is a great place to market a business. It’s got a great platform for sharing. This means that content can be recognised quickly. What’s more, Facebook have given us the ‘like button’. Likes are great for SMO. After all, this means that people like your content. They like your services. They approve of your brand. But, they are so much more than approval seeking measures. Likes translate into Google relevance. This means that you can achieve relevance in Google by people simply liking your product. It’s that simple. But, this needs to be done consistently for maximum success.

So, there you go. SMO in a nutshell. Will you change your social media strategy for maximum success?

Posted by Ingenium Web

Ingenium Web

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