Seven features that make me choose CakePHP

Seven features that make me choose CakePHP

CakePHP is not merely a framework but certainly a way to overcome the limitations that existed there for long with many such earlier versions and variations that we used for web development.

CakePHP development has not just evolved over the pseudo-functional patterns but also brought in a lot of utility in common to be sued by users, developers and consumers alike. It has taken a lot of control over how a web development system should work in coherence with the latest utility factors, business processes and market proponents.

Here are the top seven features that clearly set it apart from the mediocre and limited facilities:

1. MVC Pattern

Model View Controller targets the modern programming needs. CakePHP uses it just right with all the entities working together excellently and providing a great way to work on different aspects of development in a vitally planned system of data processing. Model supports data handling, view supports data rendering, controller dynamically responds to events to produce a right functionary for the framework and that’s how you get the best way to interact with database and other important facets of solution where data plays an important part.

2. ORM

Simply put - Object Relational Mapping. Even if you are not a developer, you should be aware of the fact that there are many types of databases and Object Oriented Programming languages. ORM is used for connecting different category of data into one compatible type and allowing the data to settle well with different facilities by creating compliant class objects and defining relations between tables, validation components, predefined resources and many other elements. The practice blends so well with CakePHP development that you would go on writing the whole program without even writing a single line of SQL code.

3. Class inheritance

You just don’t need to doubt on it anymore. The two main folders in CakePHP allow you to watch and work separately. This sounds so simple and basic but it is very effective when your work runs into several codes and gets multifarious. CakePHP does it with great responsibility and sensibility.

4. Easily extend with plug-ins

CakePHP allows you to reuse your code and build on existing facility by extending your program with great new features that are available in the form of Components, Helpers, Behaviors and Extensions. You can easily modularize your application and bring it up to work as a different utility for your evolved needs and even make it react differently to the new system requirements. The best part, all that can be done without even disturbing the Cake’s core library and just adding different functionalities you have in the rich plug-ins supported by CakePHP.

5. No Configuration

You will love it. You just don’t need to specify or signal anything to establish any connection between the different system resources and don’t need to configure them at all. Everything with CakePHP runs on auto-detect and hence you don’t need to care about any sort of installation or fixing anywhere at any level.

6. Built-in Validation

Seriously, if there is any facility for built-in validation it has to be like the one in CakePHP. You would always like the way things are taken up by the framework in bringing the advanced validation rules in the working. Useful features, excellent flow of entities and practical validation techniques mark the spot of built-in validation for CakePHP and this goes far in making your like easy with CakePHP development.

7. CRUD Scaffolding

The most used feature encompassing the most frequent and imperative activities. CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) allows you to have a preliminary view of the application which is highly helpful in providing you the platform to produce, modify and update your work anytime and have a complete control over the production dynamics and the final outcome right - saving you a lot of time quite smartly.

Posted by Ana Elena Foster

Ana Elena Foster

Ana Elena Foster is technical writer at Cakephp Expert – a leading Cakephp Development Company offers Custom Cakephp Application Development Services for all business genres.

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